Teams Meeting Details Missing from Invite?
Microsoft has pushed a change this week that removed MS Teams meeting details and links from the Outlook & Teams calendars for those using "Old" or Classic Teams. Currently, there is no way to force it back. The current solution is to switch to "New Teams".
Please see the illustrations below and as always, please reach out to IT Services via email:, Teams IT Services App, or here on the IT Portal:
Classic/Old Teams:
View from Outlook Calendar:
New invites will not generate MS Teams details while connected to Classic or "Old" Teams.
Switch to "New Teams"
If you close your current Teams' sessions/windows, upon re-entering, you should be prompted to select which version you'd like. Please answer, "Yes, go to new Teams" as shown below.
To see the change, you must exit out of Outlook completely and re-enter.
If Old Teams was successfully switched to New Teams and Outlook was restarted then your next meeting invite should populate your Teams meeting details.
Please contact us for further assistance or concerns.
Thank you,
IT Services